Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mollusks - Caribbean Reef Octopus

The scientific name for Caribbean Reef Octopus is Octopus briareus. The Caribbean Reef Octopus has very dark circles of color around them. The body in about five inches in length, but the span of its arms is quite a bit more. This can cover the space of about twenty - three inches. The overall size of them really depends on the particular region where they happen to live. They are able to change the pigment of their body with ease. This serves as a type protection for them from predators.

Roundworms - Hookworms

The scientific name for Hookworms is Ancylostoma duodenale. Hookworms are parasites. They affect your lungs and small intestine. Humans contract hookworms through roundworm eggs and larvae found in dirt contaminated by feces. It mainly affects people in developing nations in the tropics and subtropics due to poor sanitation. Hookworm infections can occur in pets, especially puppies and kittens.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Flatworms - Planarian

The scientific name for planarian is Planariidae. They are harmless flatworms that are often used in biology labs. They are freshwater flatworms that have a head like an arrow. They are black with two white spots on their heads. Those eyes are not eyes, but they do sense light.

Cnidarians - Fire Coral

The scientific name for fire coral is Millepora. It has a potent sting that leaves an itchy rash on human skin. It is not technically a coral, but a kind of hydroid that encrusts other objects (including other corals). It is usually orange of red in color. Fire corals are found in tropical seas, worldwide, predominantly on reef crests and in shallow waters subject to high water movement. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Porifera - Azure Vase Sponge

The scientific name for the Azure Vase Sponge is Callyspongia plicifera. The Azure Vase Sponge's color goes from pink to purple and fluoresces light blue. They inhabit coral reefs, and they mostly grow on walls. They are vase shaped. Vases up to 27 cm in height and13.5 cm in diameter vents up to 6.5 cm in diameter.